gun trigger
[网络] 枪扳机
- The toy gun is black with an orange nose and trigger and red spring release mechanism.
该玩具枪是黑色的,带有橙色的前端和扳机,以及红色的弹簧式脱开装置。 - To fire the gun, pull the trigger.
要开枪就扣动板机。 - In her fright she ran screaming and pleading toward the door on the other side of the room; but as she passed him he placed the gun almost against her very breast and pulled the trigger!
她惊骇得边跑边叫边求饶,朝屋子对面的门口过去;可是经过身边的时候,小孙儿几乎把枪贴在她的胸口上,扣动了扳机! - Our elephant gun has been reloaded, and my trigger finger is itchy.
我们的猎象枪已经重新填满弹药,我那只扣扳机的手指已经发痒了。 - If you're in an open place, look around after selecting the Sentry Gun and you will see a grid appear which indicates the line where enemies cross to trigger the auto-aim feature of the Sentry Gun.
当你在空旷区域放置步哨时,仔细观察四周你将会看到一层网格,表示步哨将会自动攻击此范围中的敌人。 - The blast gun shall have automatic control to release pressure when the operator releases the trigger.
喷枪应配备自动控制,操作员按下起动装置后,喷枪应能够释放压力。 - An experimental system for measuring emission spectra has successfully been established by using a two stage light gas gun and the OMA ⅲ system, in which pulse gated synchronous trigger technique was used.
利用OMA-Ⅲ光学系统和二级轻气炮,采用门控同步触发技术,成功建立了物质冲击压缩发射光谱实验系统。 - One points a toy gun at Red, pumping the trigger.
一个孩子拿着玩具枪指着瑞德,扣动扳机。 - This gun has a hair trigger.
这支枪装着微力扳机。 - A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger.